Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Running the Streets..

“Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface.” ––Confucius

Kristi's new neighborhood
Wow, it’s been a month!  Almost a month since I’ve written, ‘cause I have literally been running the streets of NYC; Asbury Park, N.J.; and Milton-Hingham, Ma.  Between training with my new Boss and Rooftop Films I continue to explore many parts of NYC.  I believe the only borough I haven’t been with them is Queens.  I managed to do that on my own when I went to visit Kristi in her new home and have Brunch at a great little neighborhood place near her apartment. 

I do believe my new career (with Initiatecare) will be fulfilling and interesting.  After an intense two days at the Red Cross, I am formally an Instructor in CPR/First Aid.  I haven’t made my mind work this hard in a long time.  It feels good, if not exhausting!  Do you believe in signs?!  While walking down W 49th on the first morning of class I happened to look right into the eyes of a very handsome man and smiled.  I then realized that Colin Farrell had just looked me in the eyes and smiled at me.  Good sign, right?!  I did it.  I knew the only way I could successfully change careers and find a good job would be with People I have met while exploring my new city.  It’s exciting and empowering.  Walking home from class one day, imagine my delight when I saw a familiar face on a billboard on a MTA bus stop!  (A wonderful Lady I knew in another life!  I will be going to see her dance and have coffee with her.)

View from Brooklyn Grange
Metrotech Commons
Back to Rooftop, one of my favorite “things” in NYC, mostly because of the great People I get to play with.  In all true honesty, some of the movies are far out for my taste, but I’m getting exposed to films I wouldn’t ever see on my own.  And, some have been great.  Oh, but the places I get to see and explore!  My favorite recently was the Brooklyn Grange, a 2 acre farm on a rooftop in the old Brooklyn Navy Yard!  It was amazing, and the view over to Manhattan is absolutely stunning.  It’s also wonderful to see neighborhoods get re-birthed as Downtown Brooklyn is; and I found myself at NYU’S Metrotech Center as well on a Friday evening (one of Rooftop’s free events!).

Everyone appreciates that one of the major draws to this city is theatre.  Most think of Broadway.  As I’ve mentioned before, I have been to some interesting theatres here, and many are nowhere near “Broadway.”   From Wikipedia: Broadway theatre, commonly called simply Broadway, are theatrical performances presented in one of the 40 professional theatres with 500 or more seats located in the Theater District and Lincoln Center along Broadway, in the Manhattan borough of New York City.

From 59E59 website
My Philosophy Friend and I marveled at that fact (theatres everywhere in this city) one night when we found ourselves at 59E59 in Midtown to see Brits Off Broadway production of Simon Green: So, This Then is Life.  From the 59E59 website: “If you could sit a 21 year old version of yourself down and share with them the surprises that their life will bring... what would you say? So, This Then Is Life explores paths untrod, mistakes repeated and ridiculous responses to an ever changing world. More soiree than cabaret - Simon Green and musical director, David Shrubsole, cast their uniquely British gaze over life's rude awakenings. As in their Drama Desk nominated Traveling Light, they concoct a theatrical marriage of word, music and truths that aim to transport you to a former, more innocent incarnation of yourself. An entertaining evening in the company of such diverse and diverting British personalities as Noel Coward, Rudyard Kipling, Daphne du Maurier, Dillie Keane, Lily Allen, A.E. Housman, Flanders and Swann, Victoria Wood, P.G. Wodehouse, Philip Larkin, Julian Slade and Dorothy Reynolds - and others, including a few American friends.”  We thought it was excellent.

From Ms. Schuur's website
My second venture to BB King’s (in the heart of Times Square on 42nd St) with my Landlady’s Friend (and some of her friends) was a wonderful evening listening to Diane Schuur and Friends in celebration her latest CD release.  From her website: “Grammy® Award-winning vocalist and pianist Diane Schuur inspires rave reviews across the globe as the new first lady of jazz. Known to personify the composer's intentions of the Great American Songbook, Schuur swings with heartfelt intensity.”  We met for dinner early.  It was yet another wonderful NYC night!  (Both of these shows were thoroughly enjoyed having bought tickets through a couple of different off-price groups. There are many, any ?s, ask me!)

Add to that a great weekend in Asbury Park!  A friend from 4th U VDay kindly and generously offered me her heaven on earth for a weekend getaway.  I really want to explore this part of my world while I’m here, so I jumped at the invitation.  Hoping to run into Bruce (Springsteen) and his wife Patti, I was enamored of this sweet, gritty (but making a comeback) beachside town.  Walking along the Boardwalk and picking up some lovely trinkets, enjoying the beach, the sights, and a wonderful dinner at
McLoone’s was good for my soul.  My friend’s beautiful garden was the perfect place to study for my CPR class.  And, her cousin graciously treated me to a dinner at a sweet tavern, Clancy’s.  Another fast and furious trip home to Milton allowed me to spend precious time with Mom, and see Family at a Cousins’ High School Graduation Party.

Yet another lovely afternoon had me in Midtown with my NYC Friend and her Friends to thoroughly enjoy the Merce Cunningham Trust Fellowship Workshop performing “Roaratorio, An Irish Circus on Finnegan’s Wake” which was choreographed to a large- scale musical score composed by John Cage.  Really interesting, excellent, and free!  (It is a fallacy that you must spend a lot of $ in NYC to enjoy it.) 

Mixed in to the craziness I am training to become a Greensward Guide for the Central Park Conservancy.  Central Park has become such a
 special haven for me, my new heaven on earth.  I look forward to giving back in my small way.  The training is intense and arduous, but so worth it, as I continue to learn so much.  We were given a “Scavenger Hunt” to pursue.  It took me a full day and a half roaming the Park.  I was delighted to have that diversion on a picture perfect Father’s Day.  (A day that would have a bit tough to bear without such a wonderful exploration.)

Wrap-up party for Food Film Festival at Home Town BBQ in Red Hook, wine dinner (at  Sojourn) as well as my music nights, seafood cookout meeting interesting new people with whom I share acquaintances (the small world/six degrees of separation never ceases to amaze and thrill me), dinner at the home of new friends with magnificent views over looking the whole West side!, walks in the Park, my Womens’ Writing Group, Philosophy class with new dear friends nourish and sustain me.  I am so very grateful!