Sunday, February 10, 2013

NEMO, the Blizzard of 2013

 "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
                                                                                                                  Winnie the Pooh
Outside my living room window as Nemo began
          Being the responsible grownup that I am, I rescheduled my Bolt Bus tickets for New York on Wednesday due to the impending snowstorm, which forevermore will be known as Nemo, the Blizzard of ’13, the 5th largest one in Boston history.  Just ask any Weatherperson from here to Timbuktu, and they will tell you it was one of the best weekends of his/her life.  I know this for a fact because many years ago I had one such Man, one of Boston’s favorites still, in my dental chair as a patient.  He was truly a nice guy who waxed euphoric over winter storms.  It drove his family crazy!  I haven’t been to NYC in almost a month due to a Family Christening, a Dental Convention in Boston and now Nemo (yes, the 5th largest Blizzard in Boston history was named for a Disney movie about a fish that put dentistry back 100 years..another story for another day…Okay, apparently I’m not the only person perplexed by the naming of this storm as it was Googled very heavily over the weekend..Nemo also means “no one” or "no man” in Latin..makes more sense naming it after the cute Fish in the opinion wasn’t asked.)
Another shot from my living room
            I took my wonderful Boss up on his offer on taking Friday off (albeit unpaid).  Friday morning I felt like a kid again, SNOW DAY!  After a Doctor’s appointment in the morning (which had been rescheduled from late afternoon so they could close early) I went to “the Plaza” (South Shore Plaza that is, not, most unfortunately, that magnificent hotel in NYC..I have other great stories about the Plaza when I got lost there at the age of about 5. and also about the Plaza Hotel..) to get a coffee maker.  A little history here, Monday morning on my way out the door for work I broke the coffee pot while washing it.  When I mentioned it to a patient he commented that I was going to have to buy a whole new maker.  I said, “Oh, no, I'll just get a replacement pot”.  After tea Monday through Wednesday mornings (prefer coffee, but this is not a major problem in the scheme of life), I went to my favs after work Wednesday night: BJ’s, Ocean State Job Lot, and Christmas Tree Shops on the hunt for a replacement pot…No pot, but I did manage to come home with supplies for the storm: candy, wine, and my new addiction: Aged White Cheddar Pirates Booty..They have it @ BJs in the gigantic bag for only $5!!.
My very cute home @ the start of the storm
(Another quick story: After my first divorce, yes I can now count my divorces, or impending ones, proud admission?! from this “good” Irish Catholic Girl..God, please do help me..One of my best Friends from High School asked me how I had gotten through it, as “Everyone” had been so worried about me.  I admitted, the good honest Girl that I am, jelly beans, yes, there, a proud member of the Dental Hygiene profession for 36 years admitted to it..Boy, this is better than confession!  Don’t get me started..It was the 80’s, Reagan was in office, so it all made perfect sense..This time it’s Aged White Cheddar Pirates Booty and wine, although being very careful with that, being alone and all..)
The woods on the way to the Dump, er Golf Course
           Thursday night on the way home from work I stopped into another fav (aren’t I lucky to have so many?!) National Wholesale Liquidator in Dorchester at the site of the old Bradlees (I miss Bradlees).  They had a pot, for $10!  Friday morning I got up happily starting my SNOW DAY with coffee…it was awful, the pot really didn’t fit the maker…

Back to my hunt for a coffee pot at the Plaza (mall not hotel).  I can’t remember the last time I was there.  For, besides the above mentioned fav stores, my others are TJ Maxx and Marshalls (great story about the TJ’s in Dublin..but I do digress..).  These days, truth be told, I am trying not to shop much anywhere except for necessities (see above).  But coffee is also one of those, to me.  So off to Macy’s.  My Mom always tells me that you can get great deals in these places, and it’s true, especially on a day of a blizzard..tried on some clothes, that I don’t need, and thankfully nothing looked good.  So into house-wares I went and received some of the best service of my life from a very bored lovely Lady.  I got a new coffee maker, by-passing the Cuisnarts for the Bella, as I am Bella, and it was cheaper.  Lovely Lady told me about a fantastic sale they were having on some products, so I happily, officially, started my Christmas shopping.

Woods again
            Home I came, now giddy.  Set up my new coffee maker, and watched the snow start to fall.  It was, for once, doing exactly what the WeatherPeople said it was going to do.  The first few hours, it was beautiful.  It was the kind of snow that quickly covered the trees so perfectly (didn’t think about the fact that it also covered wires, etc leading to blackouts..which truly gratefully I didn’t have to endure, unlike 500,000+ of my Massachusetts neighbors).  Capturing the Ansel Adams in me, I got dressed for snow (I still have the ski parka, etc, even if I retired from the sport after blowing out my ACL/MCL in Tahoe years ago..I am giving myself all the gd permission in the world to digress..I have been, and am still, snowed in, alone, since’s Sunday).

Woods yet again
My favorite New Family
            With my now beloved IPhone camera, I walked up the street to the old dump, which actually since I live in Milton, was called the landfill in the old days.  It is now part of a gorgeous golf course that bumps onto the Blue Hills Reservation Land.  This is one of the beautiful facts of Milton, but which also lends to the fact that it has a 97% residential tax base which explains why property taxes are so high..(digress, digress)..As I walked through the woods I quickly realized I wasn’t alone.  I scared the s... out of the lovely young Mom I bumped into.  Her Husband and 2 Kiddos were ahead of us climbing the hills to go sledding!  There was about 2 inches of snow on the ground (ultimately we got between 2 feet and 30 inches..hard to tell with the drifting) but young Mom was already batty with the energy of the Munchkins.  I loved this Family.  It was my first time meeting them (they live about 4 houses away and they moved in only 4 years ago)..Have I mentioned how my House used to be the clubhouse of the neighborhood?  Oh, my, how things change.. I hope she’s ok by now..It is gorgeous maybe I’ll see them again if I can get out to the golf course later…(I hired a Landscaper to plow me out.  His machine said that due to the storm, he may not get to Everyone til Monday..feeling helpless is not one of my strong points..but being out of work due to back (scoliosis) and/or shoulder (“slightly”torn rotator cuff) is also conflicting me….)
My cute home after shoveling a path so I can walk out my driveway
            Flashforward 48 hours..I am no longer giddy.  I miss New York. (And yes, I will return the $10 coffee pot..I only used it once, and cleaned it well..Finally at the tender age of 55..getting rid of guilt..SO EMPOWERING!!)

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